Curly Sue

Our cute little three year old is obsessed with curly hair lately. Every night she asks me to put curlers in her hair. I have no idea where this came from. She asked me to curl her hair one day and my curling iron is missing. Luckily we had a package of foam curlers stuck in a drawer. Surprisingly our little blondie actually slept in them for nap time and had beautiful curls to show for it. When she woke up she actually asked me to go take pictures. How could I say no when I can hardly get her to be in front of the camera?! I thought I would share my two favorite photos from that shoot. =) I can’t help it, she’s so beautiful!cropped-evbw.jpgdandelionbw

Photography and Pregnancy

I am now 8.5 months pregnant and ready for this baby to be born.  A new normal will settle upon our house as we bring another little life into it.  As I await this little person to make its debut, I have kept myself busy with photography.  I am trying to learn something new every time I touch my camera or edit.  Last weekend I had the fun experience of shooting families for the first time!  I had two really good friends drive a good distance to let me shoot them.  The first family is a family with five beautiful kids.  It was a fun challenge to stretch myself and get some good shots.  I promised them a sneak peak, so here are a few of my faves I was able to get edited.  (Lucky for you guys I have another family to edit photos for…soon you will see those!)

I present, The Sneads:









Thanks, Michael and Andrea, for this opportunity to grow in this art I’ve fallen in love with!  It was so great to spend the day with you!  I’m really glad you were my first family session, it made it that much more fun and special!  Love you guys!

It’s finally starting to click.

I’ll admit it, I’m completely and totally OBSESSED with photography.  My evening down time has been filled with reading photography books, watching tutorials on, and stalking photo blogs to find tips and cool pics.   Even with all this studying I have been struggling to understand aperture.  I mean, really if it’s bigger, it’s smaller, but you have more focus and if it;s small it’s big with less focus.  I know, it’s completely confusing.  The exciting thing for me?  I’m finally getting it!  I mean really getting it!!!  I know I have tons more to learn, but I actually understand what aperture is and how it affects the exposure.  I still need to practice with it and figure out how to create the shots I want, but I’m getting it!

I have been very blessed by moms in town letting me photograph their kids.  I have kept myself busy with shoots and editing and learning everything that goes along with both of those.  I have figured out how to get some great shots of one or two kids.  Now I must progress into family shots.  Any takers for modeling and letting me learn that craft?  I would love to practice posing, focusing, and making people happy with some gorgeous photos.  Anyway, here’s some fun shots of my kids I’ve gotten lately and practiced some new editing techniques on.


I did a fun photo shoot of child #1 in her dress up box.  I learned how to pull out the colors I wanted in Photoshop’s Camera Raw.  I LOVE this photo.


My kids learned the joy of puddle jumping.  I love the slight movement you can see in this one.


No better friend than your doll!


A handsome boy with his trike.  The early morning sun was perfect for this shot.


One of my all time favorites.  Daddy got photo-bombed.

Photo Friday on a Saturday

I realize I haven’t posted in a week or two.  I have several posts in my head, they just haven’t quite made it to the computer screen.  Mostly because I am OBSESSED with my new camera!  That’s right, I finally was able to purchase the camera I have been saving up for for months!!!  In fact, I was able to purchase a better camera for a few reasons.  1) I was saving for a package option with the Nikon D5200.  After some research I realized I didn’t need all the extras that were added to the package.  2) The Nikon D7100 came out in the midst of my saving spree causing the price of the D7000 to drop a little.  3) My awesome sister-in-law (who is an AMAZING photographer) sent me to a site called  Many fantastic reviews and tips are shared by Ken Rockwell, a long time photographer.  On the site he mentioned that Adorama had refurbished Nikon D7000’s for a really great price.

I was excited because I thought eventually I would upgrade to the D7000.  God has blessed me even sooner than I imagined.  I did much more research before I actually purchased.  I had to figure out warranties, lenses, and what all I actually needed to buy.  Adorama has an awesome customer service department on hand to chat and help figure out these questions.  So, after days and days and days of obsessive researching, I decided on a refurbished Nikon D7000 with a Nikkor 35mm lens (I already own a 18mm-55mm zoom lens) and a 2 year warranty for the camera for under what I was going to spend on the D5200!!!!

After one long week of waiting for it to arrive, my camera and I have finally started to get to know one another.  I have a subscription to that has been teaching me about my camera, photography in general, and Photoshop.  The more I learn the more I realize I have so much to learn.  This is why I haven’t been blogging.  Most of my free time (when the kids are sleeping) is spent studying and playing with my new camera.  I will try and remedy that…but be ready for lots and lots of photos.

Here are some of the first batch on the new camera with the little bit of editing I’ve learned so far:


(Our David on a train caboose)


(Evalyn on the same caboose…she doesn’t stand still very long.)


(Both babies sat still long enough for this shot.)

Life is a Lesson

As my children continue to grow, I take delight in watching them learn new things.  My oldest has graduated into a full-fledged preschooler and she is constantly wanting to read, do crafts and do “schoolwork.”  I love the idea of homeschooling and can’t wait until we officially start school.  That is until I overwhelm myself by thinking about figuring out curriculum and planning a school year in full.  All that and adding another baby to the mix can make my head spin.

However, we have had two really fun experiences in the past week that have made me very, very excited for homeschooling.    I am re-energized about it because these two incidences have shown me that learning is in life, not in the schedules.  (Don’t get me wrong, I know that I will have to plan lessons to ensure my children are learning how to read and add.)

The first “lesson” happened as I pulled a whole herb-rubbed chicken from the crock pot.  (Which turned out to be delicious.)  I was pulling the meat off the bones and my three-year-old became very interested.  “Is that a bone?!  Can I see it?  Can I touch it?  Is that the chicken’s leg?!”  So we began an impromptu anatomy lesson.  I should mention that said three-year-old  is insanely interested in all things medical.  She loves doctors, nurses, and people’s “owies.”  I showed her the rib cage, the way the wings went back and forth on a hinge, the vertebrae and anything else I could think to show here on the chicken skeleton.  I will add that it may have been a creepy site, this bird de-meated with its limbs hanging loosely at its side, but, man, did she love it.  I very easily could have said, “we don’t have time to look at it, dinner’s hot and on the table,” but I am so glad that I took the time to watch her learn.  Her face filled with amazement and she talked about the bones the rest of dinner.  A simple lesson birthed without a lesson plan.

The second “lesson” happened this morning.  I have not felt well the past couple of days.  I’m hoping it passes quickly (I don’t think it’s pregnancy related, although I could be wrong.)  My wonderful husband was up early with the kids (he has let me sleep in since the beginning of this pregnancy, but this morning was extra early.)  I could tell he needed a break so I sent him to take a nap.  What could I do with two young children and not move much?  Well, we decided to have a “reading day”.  We camped out under the baby grand with blankets, pillows, and bowls of grapes to read for quite a while.  Granted, I could have read all day under there, but they had other thoughts on that matter!  We were learning, resting, and enjoying each others’ company all at the same time.  I cannot think of any better way to let my kids learn through life.



This is not from today, but it was another day filled with snuggles and books.

I will love homeschooling if I allow us to continue these spontaneous moments of learning and fun.  I can’t continue to stress over the details that will take the fun out of it and defeat one of the main purposes I want to homeschool!  What are some of your favorite learning moments?

Photography Friday: Perfect Practice Subjects

I am just beginning to learn about photography.  I’m not really sure why it took me so long to really dig into it.  All I can think about while driving through new towns is which buildings and walls would make great backgrounds.  I’ve always had a slight interest and have never taken any steps to feed that interest.  Recently my interest was re-awakened by a series of events.  The first being a new camera lens from Husband.  The second was writing about dreams and a new friend asking me if I had taken classes yet.  So, she and I signed up for a class together.  I learned how to take my camera off of “auto”.  I still have SO MUCH to learn.  For instance, I have no idea how to use my aperture yet.  But I will.  I am reading and practicing constantly.  My favorite practice subjects?  My own family of course!!  Here are so photos from our trip for Husband’s concert.  They are not edited, but it is Photography Friday so I thought I would share.   Anyone out there that has tips or tricks for me, I would LOVE to hear them!



Doritos are a special treat in our house.



When they show up we give them extra love (the Doritos.)



Blue skies!


I underexposed his face.  I’m hoping some work in Photoshop will lighten his face without ruining the sky.


I had to limit which photos to post of Husband, but I really like this moment I captured during his rehearsal.


Daddy’s biggest fans.


Beautiful girl, beautiful flowers (my Fav photo from the week)

Writing Wednesday: Finding Purpose and Intent

*Disclaimer* This was written on Wednesday, even though in was posted dangerously close to Thursday.  Count it!

Husband is playing a concert tomorrow in a small Texas panhandle town.  It is going to be amazing for many reasons.  He has been working really, really hard to put on a great show.  Plus, let’s face it, I married the most handsome, talented and goofy man ever (who wouldn’t want to watch him perform for an hour?)  Plus, he’s the king of lame jokes.  I have no doubt that the people gathering tomorrow will hear plenty of lame jokes.  Do not fear, they will laugh and I am always grateful when there are other people around to laugh so I don’t have to.  (I’m joking.  Sort of.)  

I tell you all this for a number of reasons.  The first being that we are making strides to reach dreams that God has placed on our hearts.  Husband has had several great opportunities come his way in the past few months.  He is working as an online curriculum manager for someone he really looks up to in the industry, he is doing this fun concert tomorrow (going on tour being the ultimate dream we are working towards), and he is working on a fun new internet based project that we will begin saving money toward in the next month.

Watching him constantly reach goals and create new ones as I sit and surf Facebook into the wee hours of the night has re-motivated me to actually work on things I want to accomplish.  For instance: writing a novel.  I mention this over and over, but this time I’m actually working on it.  I have found a blog (actually my mom found it) for writers with some really cool writing worksheets.  I am hesitant to write because I am not sure how to develop characters (and I’m scared to start).  This blog (Writer’s ER) has been uplifting and given me purpose when I sit down to write.  Have intent when I sit to write is so helpful.  I have a direction.  Sometimes the muse takes you on a different path than you originally intended, but the point is you went somewhere.  Having intent takes away the excuse of “not knowing what to write”.  I love having a reason to sit at the computer and write.  We will see where this journey leads.  I hope it’s somewhere fun and happy.


Stay tuned for Photography Friday.  A time and place where I will post about my other part-time hobby.  Don’t get your hopes up too high.  I’m still learning the ropes!

Another Go

Here I am, once again.  I have such a strong pull to NOT write even though it is in my soul to want to.  Whenever I pray about what to write, I hear:  “Just start writing.”  I cannot tell you how often I ignore the prompting to just open my laptop and write.  Or go old school and get out a pen and paper.  That probably would be better because I tend to waste so much time on Facebook without meaning to.  So once again I’m setting new goals.  One of my problems with my blog was that I didn’t like the look or feel of it and no matter how many things I tried, I couldn’t get it how I liked.  Now, I have found out how to turn my blog into MY blog.  I love it.  It’s important to have an avenue and atmosphere to write in that you enjoy.  Something that brings forth life from your soul.  I have many topics in my head as to what to write about.  The good news is, I’m going to try something new and have themed days to write.  For example, Sundays could be about Children in Mass; Wacky Wednesdays: Random Thoughts, etc.  You get the idea.  The point is to WRITE.  As this week goes on, expect to hear about the goals and dreams Husband and I will be working on the next couple of years.  There are some exciting things to come in the Nutt House!!!!

I LOVE Chick fil A

There are a million reasons why I love Chick fil A.  From the awesome sandwich to the Polynesian sauce, to the great people that work there.  I have never worked for a greater company, nor will I probably ever again.  I have struggled to voice my thoughts on the controversy surrounding my favorite “quick service’ restaurant.  I have many great friends that work within the company, some that own/operate their own stores.  A dear friend of mine from college has the pleasure of owning a free-standing store in Amarillo.  He is a very devoted husband and father, an amazing man of God and he has been an inspiration in this crazy time.  I have asked his permission to post his thoughts on the issue as a “guest blogger” (my first ever) because he is so eloquently spoken and is living in the heart of the issues.  Who better to hear the scoop from?  Without further ado, I give you Joshua Raef:

I am sick to my stomach at the vitriol being poured out by Christians on Chick-fil-A’s Facebook page over our supposed “cave” and our “cowardice”. There are some saying we are only about the almighty dollar.

Let me set a few things straight:

– Most of us have had INCREASED sales since the controversy. We weren’t losing money because of the boycott. So CFA didn’t “cave” because they were losing money.

– Notice that when a company typically “caves” it will give money to the opposite cause. CFA didn’t do that and didn’t say that Dan had changed his mind about the issue.- Chick-fil-A simply clarified its giving, and is not giving to anyone who doesn’t fit their giving profile (things such as education, marriage support, foster care, etc.)

– When CFA gave to Focus on the Family, etc. they gave thinking they were strengthening marriages – they were NOT giving to try to lobby for laws preserving traditional marriage. They have never wanted to be involved in politics.

So Chick-fil-A is simply not giving anymore to controversial groups. What’s so bad about that? What’s so wrong? If you love Focus or Exodus or WHATEVER so much then give to those groups yourself! You’re just as bad as the liberals you decried a month ago for DEMANDING CFA give to certain groups. It’s their money – they can do what the heck they want with it!

And please, Christians, don’t say we’ve given up our values. So you’re going to not eat with us anymore over this? Seriously? Sure, go eat at McDonald’s or Wendy’s or some other faceless corporate giant who doesn’t have the heart CFA does, who doesn’t care about making a positive impact on lives like CFA does, who doesn’t care what is in their food or who they hire and develop like Chick-fil-A does. These places truly do care just about the almighty dollar.

And one more thing, Christians – how do we make a positive impact on society and spread the Gospel if WE ONLY SERVE AND HANG AROUND THOSE THAT BELIEVE EXACTLY AS WE DO?!?! I’ve been told for years by the company that our real value in being a Christian company is showing Jesus’ message through our ACTIONS – great service, being closed on Sunday, pouring our hearts (and profits!) back into our local communities. Then, when people ask us what makes us such a great company, THEN we tell them about our values and the fact that we’re founded on biblical principles. But folks, you can’t do that by alienating half the population through controversial social donations or statements. Remember – Jesus practiced open-table fellowship. He didn’t dine with people like him!!!

I think Chick-fil-A was pitch perfect in their “Who We Are” document outlining their giving and I think they are spot-on for focusing their donations so that we can get back to our core values as a company. I have never been more proud to work for this company and for Dan Cathy’s leadership. Give up our values? Last time I checked our Corporate Purpose was and will always be:

“To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive impact on ALL who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.” (emphasis mine).

Thank you, Josh, for you words.  Let us all strive to have a POSITIVE impact on all we come across.

Here is the link to “Chick fil A: Who we Are.”

Catholic Homeschooling Mommy

Husband and I have prayed and discerned about home schooling our children.  The more prayer and research we do, the less we want them in public school at all.  The decision is mostly a spiritual one.  We want our kids to have the Faith integrated in everything we do every day.  We are called as parents to be the primary educators of our children and in the Nutt House, we plan to do just that!  Yesterday I realized how serious I was about it when I looked into my purse.  Here’s a list of yesterday’s contents:

1.  “The Confessions of St. Augustine”

2. “Catholic Home Schooling, A Parent’s Handbook”

3. Holy Simplicity Daily Planner

4. A snack cup full of animal crackers

5. Sippy cup

6. one blue hot wheels

7. Two extra pairs of clean panties

8. One disposable diaper

9. Small coin purse containing what my 2 year old calls, “Lippy Lip” (lip gloss and chap stick)

10. A Rosary

11. One bottle of turquoise nail polish


Yes, I am a Catholic nerd that has every intention of educating my children.  I also need to clean out my purse.